Essential Skills: Restructuring

Refining the turnaround strategy

Once a distressed business has been stabilised, there is a need to refocus and refine the turnaround strategy to identify and exploit new opportunities.
This course helps you understand the transition to a more mature phase of the turnaround. Once a business is stabilised, there is a need to refocus and refine strategy, and resource the organisation so it can seize and embrace mid- to long-term opportunities.

You will learn how to create the conditions for growth and maintain discipline around costs, while embedding, monitoring and communicating the organisation’s improvements and achievements.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand what strategy is (and is not).
  • Appreciate the importance of clarity and focus in strategy development.
  • Recognise the challenges and constraints in developing strategy in restructuring and turnarounds.
  • Understand how strategic position can be analysed and assessed.
  • Apply tools and frameworks to determine strategic position.
  • Appreciate the necessity for choices in strategy.
  • Apply tools and frameworks to enable effective decision making.

Who should attend?

Turnaround professionals, insolvency practitioners, financial advisors, governance and legal advisors, non-executive directors, private equity investors.


We recommend you have at least one year of on-the-job experience prior to attending this course.


TBC - maximum of 2 CPE verifiable hours. 

For further information contact our education team.