Board members and biographies

ARITA Executive

Rachel Burdett RITF  – President

Danielle Funston RITF – Deputy President

Kathy Sozou RITF Vice President

Mike Hayes RITF – Vice President (Appointed by the SA/NT Division)
John Winter – CEO and Company Secretary

Other directors

Leanne Chesser RITP (Appointed by the Vic/Tas Division)

Bruce Gleeson RITF (Directly appointed by the Board under s20.3 of the Constitution)

Mathew Gollant RITF (Directly appointed by the Board under s20.3 of the Constitution)
Jason Porter RITF (Appointed by the NSW/ACT Division)
Kelly-Anne Trenfield RITF (Appointed by the Qld Division)

Matthew Donnelly RITF (Appointed by the WA Division)

Michael Brereton RITF (Immediate Past President – non-voting)

Robyn Erskine AM, ARITA Life Member (INSOL Representative – non-voting)